Sunday, 28 April 2013


Back in our cabin now, back to my tiny fan (no air conditioning) and beige foods...

We are changing homes early next week as we are awaiting the arrival of another Aussie who is holiday with us for a few months and helping us with our build. I am also desperate for a puppy and our new house can accommodate for this!!

Our house is well under way now...

 It looked like bloody hard and hot work
 But our foundations are now in place

It looks a little tiny to me but I have been insured it's not. Having never seen house foundations before I am trusting everyone else and focusing on finding a puppy and designing our garden...

Jorge is my first addition!

Missing the company of my family but excited for my new home with Brett.

Evans Style

For the past two glorious weeks this has been our view from the balcony...

and I got to play in this pool...

(whilst trying to avoid the builders!!)

It was a tough two weeks of relaxing on our rocking chairs during the day...

Occasionally strolling around town and on the beach...

and then dragging ourselves out of an evening for some fine dining, drinking and some local entertainment...

Although the heat was a little intense on Dad's ankles and slowed down the Evans family even more than usual, a great time was had by all and a return trip is already being planned!! It's a tough place to leave...

 Our journey into town on the bike

 Arriving in town
 Sunset on our beach
 Maddee and Roxy
Maddee and Little B!

 More sunsets at our beach
It's a hard life...

Thanks Mum and Dad, looking forward to your return  x

Monday, 8 April 2013

Just a normal week

We haven't been doing a great deal recently but we have been making the most of the calm before our house building storm!

Our land has been cleared...

We had to cut a few of the trees down but only because they were inhabited with a lot of pesky termites. Our land looks huge now, pretty sure we could fit a small pool in somewhere too!!?

We have used pegs, wool and a tape measure to work out where the houses (and potential pool) are going and now we are just waiting on a quote from Austin and then hopefully we can get started.

Our other exciting news is we just bought this little beast...

Sadly I don't look quite so smooth clinging onto the back, helmet securely fastened and eyes firmly closed

Oh, we have also just finished our first round of Frisbee Golf...

 I think it is quite obvious who lost but I caught the sun and got a little exercise so I was a winner in my eyes!