We haven't been doing a great deal recently but we have been making the most of the calm before our house building storm!
Our land has been cleared...
We had to cut a few of the trees down but only because they were inhabited with a lot of pesky termites. Our land looks huge now, pretty sure we could fit a small pool in somewhere too!!?
We have used pegs, wool and a tape measure to work out where the houses (and potential pool) are going and now we are just waiting on a quote from Austin and then hopefully we can get started.
Our other exciting news is we just bought this little beast...
Sadly I don't look quite so smooth clinging onto the back, helmet securely fastened and eyes firmly closed
Oh, we have also just finished our first round of Frisbee Golf...
I think it is quite obvious who lost but I caught the sun and got a little exercise so I was a winner in my eyes!
More great pics xx